Navy Safe Harbor Foundation Services
Navy Safe Harbor Foundation aims to ensure that every service member is given an opportunity for full recovery after a serious injury by coordinating the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, and provides resources and support to their families.
LEARN MORENavy Safe Harbor Foundation Support
Navy Safe Harbor Foundation is fortunate to have the support of families, friends, military members, and community. The organization asks that we as Americans, all do our part to help the seriously wounded, ill, and injured Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and their families by volunteering, participating in a fundraising event, or making a donation . . . your support is greatly appreciated!
There’s no time like the present. Give today and your gift will be helping tomorrow. Use this convenient form to make a safe, secure one-time or recurring gift now.
DONATENavy Safe Harbor Foundation Stories
Several wounded warriors have offered to share their stories on Navy Live, the official blog of the U.S.
READ MORENSHF Services and Accommodations:
- Respite care for enrollees and their families
- Financial and Legal Services
- Travel Expenses
- Court Costs
- Warrior Weekends
- Housing/Rental Support
- Support of Transition from Recovery/Rehabilitation
- Family Support (i.e., Christmas Gifts, Family camps)
- Adaptive Athletics
- Housing Modifications
- Vehicle Modifications
- Specialized Equipment
- Public Awareness
- PTSD/Combat Stress Support and Education
NSHF Purpose:
- Focus support and services toward US Navy and Coast Guard seriously Wounded, Ill, and Injured (WII) reserve, active-duty, and medically retired population
- Focus support to the Navy’s Safe Harbor Command enrollee population and family members.
- Fill the gaps and provide services not available through government or community avenues.
- Raise awareness of the needs of WII Sailors, Coastguardsmen, and their families.
Supported Population:
- All seriously wounded, ill, or injured Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and their families
- OIF/OEF Casualties
- Shipboard Accidents
- Liberty Accidents (MVAs, motorcycle accidents)
- Serious Medical and Psychological Conditions (cancer, severe PTSD)
- High risk non-seriously wounded, ill, or injured Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and their families (on a case by case basis)
- Families in Crisis
- Special Interest
Numquam Navigare Solus – Never to Sail Alone
NAVY Wounded Warrior Safe Harbor Call Center
855-NAVY-WWP (628-9997)
Sailors and Coast Guardsman may self-refer to the program or be referred by family members, command leadership or medical providers. Navy Safe Harbor Foundation aims to ensure that every service member is given an opportunity for full recovery. Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor coordinates the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, and provides resources and support to their families. The program is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and Non-medical Care Managers are located at Military Treatment Facilities and VA Polytrauma Centers throughout the continental United States. The program’s goal is to return Sailors and Coast Guardsmen to duty and, when that’s not possible, to work collaboratively with federal agencies, and state and local organizations to ease them back into their communities.Through proactive leadership, NWW offers individually-tailored assistance to ensure enrollees’ successful recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration. Enrollment in the program is available to service members wounded in combat, as well as to those diagnosed with a serious illness or injured in shipboard, training and liberty accidents. Enrollment lasts a lifetime.
The Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor Anchor Program is a voluntary program for wounded warriors to receive support on a personal level while adjusting to civilian life and living with a disability. The Anchor Program connects sponsors (active-duty or retired Navy or Coast Guard personnel) to wounded warriors upon their retirement from military service. They share local knowledge and lend emotional support while the wounded warrior integrates back into the community. It is not within the Anchor Program sponsors’ jurisdiction to provide advice on legal issues and health-related concerns. Wounded warriors should consult with their Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor non-medical care management team about such matters. Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor is always looking for volunteers from the Navy and Coast Guard family interested in sponsoring a wounded warrior in their geographic location. To get involved, call 855-NAVY WWP/855-628-9997 or email [email protected].